METHODS: The method is based on ARX model fitting of electrode pairs. Each electrode signal is fitted by an 8th order autoregressive model (autofit), while model pairs (there are 64/2 * 63 such pairs) are fitted with 4th order models - this is termed coupled fit. Prior to this the raw data is band pass filtered in the alpha, beta and gamma ranges, the final frequency band used being 8 to 40Hz. A first step fits the entire training data, filtered, to auto and coupled models for classes 1 and 2. An upper diagonal matrix of coupled fit strengths is computed, based on finite prediction error (FPE). For a pair of electrodes: FpeRatio= Fpe(CoupledModel i,j, TrainingData)/Sum(Fpe(AutoModel, TrainingData), electrode i and j) The matrix of FpeRatio difference between class 1 and 2 is then made sparse by applying a threshold of 3 sd(fpeRatioDifference) among classes. The electrode pairs left (SparseSet) then provide contributions to the classifier, which simply takes a test trial and simulates models for class 1 and 2, summing FPE over electrode pairs in the SparseSet. The model with the lower FPE sum is the classifier output! No scaling or special treatment was used for test set.