MainloopFeedback — Base Class for Feedbacks with a Mainloop

class FeedbackBase.MainloopFeedback.MainloopFeedback(port_num=None)

Mainloop Feedback Base Class.

This feedback derives from the Feedback Base Class and implements a main loop. More specifically it implements the following methods from it’s base:

on_init on_play on_pause on_stop on_quit

which means that you should not need to re-implement those methods. If you choose to do so anyways, make sure to call MainloopFeedback’s version first:

def on_play():
MainloopFeedback.on_play(self) # your code goes here

MainloopFeedback provides the following new methods:

init pre_mainloop post_mainloop tick pause_tick play_tick

the class takes care of the typical steps needed to run a feedback with a mainloop, starting, pausing, stopping, quiting, etc.

While running it’s internal mainloop it calls tick repeatedly. Additionally it calls either play_tick or pause_tick repeatedly afterwards, depending if the Feedback is paused or not.


Called at the beginning of the Feedback’s lifecycle.

More specifically: in Feedback.on_init().


Called repeatedly in the mainloop if the Feedback is paused.


Called repeatedly in the mainloop if the Feedback is not paused.


Called after leaving the mainloop, e.g. after stop or quit.


Called before entering the mainloop, e.g. after on_play.


Called repeatedly in the mainloop no matter if the Feedback is paused or not.

Module author: Bastian Venthur <>

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