PluginController — Finding and Loading Feedbacks.

class lib.PluginController.PluginController(plugindirs, baseclass)

Finds, loads and unloads plugins.


Returns a list of available plugins.

load_feedback_list(filename, plugindir)

Load classnames from file and construct modulename relative to plugindir from plugindir, filename and file entries.

Returns a dictionary: classname -> module.


Loads the given plugin and unloads possibly sooner loaded plugins.

test_plugin(root, filename)

Test if given module contains a valid plugin instance.

Returns None if not or (name, modulename) otherwise.


Unload currently loaded plugin.

lib.PluginController.import_module_and_get_class(modname, classname)

Import the module and return modname.classname.

Module author: Bastian Venthur <>

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